Artifact Donations

Park Chung Hee Presidential Museum

Artifact Donations


The museum accepts the donation of items that hold historical value and enhance the museum collection and exhibit.

  • Typewriter (OLYMPIA Traveller de LUXE)
    (Donated by Park Ok Hee)

  • German language textbook for miners dispatched to Germany
    (Donated by Lee Beom Yeong)

  • Collection of letters written during the Vietnam War (1965~1967)
    (Donated by Lee Beom Yeong)

What to Donate

  • Objects and materials associated with the life and career of President Park Chung-hee
  • Objects and materials reflective of life in Korea during the 1960s and 70s
  • Examples include: Documents, printed materials, audiovisuals, and miscellaneous personal items

When to Donate

  • Donations are accepted year-round and will be processed by museum staff during normal business hours.

How to Donate

  1. Step 1

    Consultations will be held for donation inquiries.
  2. Step 2

    The items will be assessed for donation, after which potential donors will complete a donation application form.
  3. Step 3

    Ownership of the donated items will be transferred to the museum, and related receipts and certificates will be issued.
  4. Step 4

    Storage and Exhibition
    Accepted items will undergo a process of examination and preservation before being archived or exhibited in the museum.

Donor Benefits

  • Eligible for free subscription to the museum newsletter and other publications
  • Eligible for invitation to various events and special exhibitions
  • Donation certificate

Please direct donation-related inquiries to:

Arts and Sciences office, 3rd FL., 386 Worldcup-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul